Skills are Necessary, but Mindset WINS the Fight

Seeing Ronda Rousey get taken down by Holly Holm shocked and surprised the large majority of people. Ronda was undefeated. She consistently and easily took down all of her opponents. She was favored to win. How did Holly Holly knock her out? Many people have their own theories, but I believe 100% is due to her mind set.

As a Master Practitioner and Trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, we help people get the right mindset to achieve their goals. The greatest fighters in the history (like Bruce Lee), the most successful people (like Oprah and Sir Richard Branson), and the most influential (like Ronald Reagan) ALL attribute their success to what they held in their minds. Did they believe they would win or were they just hoping to win?

What most people don't realize is that what you hold in your mind shapes the words you use to communicate and the physiology you display. Don't believe me?

Let the results speak for themselves. If you look back at the pre-fight interviews with Ronda Rousey and Holly Holm, notice the words they use.

Ronda talks about the pressure, pressure, pressure. She says that the match will last a lot longer than her previous matches. She says that Holly is the type of girl to take over for her, but that she (Ronda) has to beat her first and then Holly can take over. Compare that to anyone of Ronda's previous pre-fight interviews and it was a completely different mindset. She did not believe 100% that she was going to win. Now compare that pre-fight interview with Holly's. . She talks about how calm she feels in the ring, her team's belief in her, and how she is focusing on her strengths.

As a fun exercise, my husband and I went through as many pre-fight interviews as we could get our hands on to see if I could predict who would win based on the language patterns. He watches the fights while I tend to avoid them, so he knew that I had very little idea of who actually won. It was a fun exercise that has given us some comfort in where we are placing our bets for this Saturday night's UFC 194. I figure I ought to put my money where my mouth is...

In the meantime, think for an instant what kind of mindset you have when you go into work. What are your assumptions about people? What are you assumptions about your likelihood of your own success? What are you telling yourself when you walk into a difficult conversation? Do you have a mindset that is going to lead to people reacting to you in the way you want? Do you have a mindset where you believe 100% that you are going to win? Do you have a mindset that you are going to turn that difficult conversation into a stronger relationship with better results?

If you want to WIN, to achieve your goals, you have to make sure what you are holding in your mind is what you specifically want. Otherwise, you are leaving YOUR results in jeopardy of what results someone else may want MORE.

To learn more about HOW to change your mindset, control your mindset, and develop WINNING strategies, let's talk. I love helping people get their "Championship Belts!"

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