Making Every Moment at Work Count

Do you have a favorite person you with whom you enjoy working? Perhaps they have an infectious energy. Perhaps they make you laugh when everyone else is stressed. Perhaps they get stuff done with a high emotional intelligence.

That pretty much describes one of my most favorite former colleagues. Energy, laughter, kindness... all things that always helped when things got stressful.

It was not surprising to read that these things all help work cultures be more productive.  Check out Harvard Business Review article "Proof that Positive Work Cultures are More Productive."

While everyone wants these things in their place of work, there is always a reason why they can't. So we go through 40-80 hours a week feeling run down, tired, and emotionally drained. As that filters into our personal lives and sleep quality, imagine how much of your life is being spent in dark murky rivers. We will never get that time back.

I believe we can change that. We can clean up the dark murky rivers if we do it together. We can't spend our lives relying on someone else to bring the energy, laughter, and kindness. It has to start with us individidually -- making every moment at work count. Making it count for us and for those with whom we interact.

So here are the questions for today: what are you bringing with you to work? Are laughter, kindness and energy on the priority list? What needs to change for them to make the top 3 on your daily list of priorities?

My wish for you today and the rest of this week is to think about making it count at work. Energy, kindness, and laughter. Enjoy what you have and what you bring!

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