
Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your performance, or someone who has injuries that limit your mobility, HypnoFST is for you! Unlike regular stretching, FST stretches the FASCIA material that surrounds the muscle tissue. The therapy is performed on a massage table over the course of 45 - 90 minutes and results in an immediate increase in flexibility. This gives people a greater range of motion which results in less pain and improved performance.

WE have combined FST with Hypnosis. Why? When someone is in a state of hypnosis, they are VERY, very relaxed which means that they are less likely to consciously resist the stretches which benefit them. The hypnotherapist gives suggestions to the client as they are being stretched that helps the client focus on their breathing, releasing resistance, and letting the pain release immediately. At the same time the Fascial Stretch Therapist is very attuned to the current limitations of the client so stretches are gentle and only as deep as the body allows. The results are consistently phenomenal as our clients experience less and less pain in each and every session.

HypnoFST is normally performed once every 2-4 weeks depending on the needs of the client. This therapy is only available to clients in the Las Vegas, Nevada area and requires an initial 30 coaching session to gain clarification on the history associated with any current challenges and what goals the client would like to achieve. When working with a Master Hypnotherapist and Level IV Fascial Stretch Therapist, you determine how often you need the therapy and what results you want to achieve. Call (702)L1V-MORE to schedule a free consultation today to find out how HypnoFST can get you the physical results you desire.