Skills are Necessary, but Mindset WINS the Fight

Results Simplified is the official webcast for Results over Reasons where we meet with professionals in the field of helping people get the results they want faster with less effort.
Are you consistently achieving your goals? If not, you might want re-evaluate your goals and be sure they are meeting the criteria that Amy discusses with Anita Saldana - NLP Trainer and Master Coach from Terramind in this webcast. There's more to successfully achieving what you want than the traditional SMART goals, and it's one of the #1 reasons why people fail to achieve their SMART goals. Besides being SMART, they need to be well-formed.
For more information on Well-formed Goals, check out our downloadable infographic:
In our first webcast for Results Simplified, Amy speaks to Brian O'Neill - Director of Operational Excellence at Las Vegas Sands Corp about The Leadership Promise: an aspirational leadership curriculum designed around what leaders what employees to say about them as leaders.
For more information on The Leadership Promise, check out our downloadable infographic: