"Tony - I love ya man. You are a rock star. With those brilliantly white teeth, your charismatic character, and your dedication to awakening human potential in millions of people, you have a bazillion qualities that I respect and admire.
"That said, even you are fallible my friend and I'm calling you out on it. For those of us with a watchful eye, who have learned from you and others in the field, we notice when you are also incongruent. I'm not a big fan of the word "Lying" as it is often associated with malicious intent and we all know that notall lies are evil. So, let me say that I do not believe that you have any malicious intent when you talk about Bernie Sanders. You just did a fabulous job of giving us an actual example of incongruency as you say a few things you must not completely believe or mean in regards to his policies."
For those who don't know, let me break this down for you. Here is a fabulous less than 3 minute video where Tony talks to James Ledbetter, Editor of Inc.com about the leadership traits of 3 presidential candidates. The headline on LinkedIn says "Tony Robbins Makes it Very Clear Which Candidate He's Not Voting For."
Check out Tony's body language as he talks about Trump. He talks about the good and bad and how we can learn from how CERTAIN ("even if it's inaccurate") Trump is. Tony is very relaxed, sitting upright or slightly leaning back, shoulders back, balanced on his sitz bones in a position conveying certainty (picture taken at 29 seconds into the video). He uses his hands easily for extra emphasis as he continues for the next 35 seconds to give examples about CERTAINTY and his opinion about Trump.
Then he turns to Bernie Sanders. When Tony says "I don't believe 92% taxes will make us more productive," he makes a big shift in his posture. You see him shift his weight on his sitz bones and lean forward in an unbalanced posture before he readjusts into a more balanced position. This is a great example of incongruency. (Picture taken at 1:18 into the video) and when people say something they don't believe or mean, their body will often give unintentional cues.
Now, Tony is a very smart man. He has advised many of the top leaders in our country. He advocates human excellence and is knowledgeable enough about money to have written a best-selling book about Mastering the Game of Money. So, I have no doubt that he knows 100% that nothing Bernie Sanders is recommending comes anywhere close to requiring 92% taxes. I can only assume that he knew what he said was a "mistruth," and his big physical shift in posture shows that internally, he was incongruent with what came out of his own mouth.
Then, the video immediately cuts to another clip where he continues talking about Bernie (picture taken at 1:21). Again, notice Tony's posture. HE IS SITTING ON HIS HANDS as he says "But I love that the man believes what he says!" We don't know what the editors cut out before his comments, but from Tony's posture, you can deduce that it was something that put him in a much less certain state as he again is leaning forward slightly, shoulders blades no longer touching, and knees pointing inward. As he continues talking about Bernie's CONGRUENCY, Tony himself moves physically back into a congruent state and moves easily into the analysis of Hillary.
Again, as he talks about what leadership traits we can take from Hillary, look at his body posture and movement. It is consistent with how he talked about Trump. He's relaxed, shoulders back, head up, sitting upright and balanced on his sitz bones, and again using his hands for emphasis. He talks about her strengths and the public perception of her lack of taking RESPONSIBILITY.
Near the end of the video, the editor asks Tony to define CONGRUENCY. Tony's response is "You say what you mean. You mean what you say......Don't judge how my lips move, judge how my feet have moved..." and in this instance, his hands and his physiology.
Tony, what are you hiding? A closeted desire to support someone who IS so CONGRUENT? I would guess supporting Bernie wouldn't be good for business as it relates to your latest book, or perhaps any of the latest presidential candidates you may be coaching. Whatever it is, even one of the greatest teachers / advisors / coaches is capable of being INCONGRUENT at times. Thanks for proving that even you are human!